Each parent's decision about how they feed their baby is a personal one, but everyone deserves the

Welcome to 831Breastfeeds, your local guide for lactation resources in Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties. Whether you are a breast/chestfeeding parent or family member, hospital or health care organization, employer, or other interested community member, we hope you can find the information you need through the links on our website. We recognize that not all people who give birth and lactate identify as female, and that some individuals identify as neither female nor male. Some parents feed their baby directly at the breast or on the chest, while others might exclusively pump their milk, use donor milk, or supplement non-human milk. There are many ways to feed a baby, and we honor the diversity that makes us a community.
The resources listed here are not exhaustive and we welcome users to suggest additional evidence-based, non-commercial resources for our local community. If you have a medical lactation issue, please contact your health care provider for guidance. This website is for informational purposes only; we do not provide individualized lactation counseling.